I offer a wide array of services including: 

Graphic Design

  • Branding
  • Logo Design
  • Packaging Design
  • Print Design
  • Iconography
  • Print Advertising Design
  • Social Media Design
  • Social & Digital Advertising
  • Document Design & Layout


  • Spot Illustration
  • Website Illustration
  • Editorial illustration
  • Character Design
  • Illustrative Iconography
  • Merch Design
  • Mural Design and Painting


  • Brand Asset Audits (for businesses)
  • Designer Mentoring (for juniors and students)
If you're looking for something that's not on the list, please reach out using the form below and let's chat. Even if it's not a service I offer, I have a broad creative network and can likely connect you find someone who can help.

"...And solid graphic designer. And solid baseball fan. And solid Canadian. And solid dad. And solid human being. Solid Alberta lumber, this guy." 

- Aaron James Draplin, Draplin Design Co.

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